Sweat stain stories
What to do about sweat stains?
A problem that can be solved!
Thomas, Lena, Sara und Jan leiden alle an übermässigem Achselschweiß. Sie haben ein Problem, das sich lösen lässt. Aber noch sind sie gestresst. Übermäßiges Schwitzen entsteht vor allem in beruflichen und privaten Stresssituationen.
Schweißflecken sind in unserer Gesellschaft verpönt. Schwitzen ist ein Tabuthema. Doch es hat eine wichtige Funktion:
Schweiß kühlt unseren Körper
Beim Sport und in Stresssituationen sorgt er dafür, dass wir nicht überhitzen. Beim Sport ist das nicht peinlich, da schwitzen alle. Umso mehr stört es Betroffene bei der Arbeit, bei einem Date, bei Feierlichkeiten.
Unsere vier Betroffenen versuchen es mit laulas®.
Thomas Boss
The family father and manager
Thomas Boss has a meeting with a client on his schedule today - including a presentation.
Thomas starts to sweat even as he prepares. The thought of presenting the latest product to his customers stresses Thomas out. Only at the last customer meeting were his sweat stains clearly visible, how embarrassing!
This time, Thomas is determined to find a solution to his problem, because he doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of his customers again. But an intervention in his body like Botox is out of the question for Thomas.
That's why he puts on laulas®, his new functional vest, in the morning. For the first time, Thomas experiences a day free of sweat stains and thus gives a unique and relaxed presentation to his customers.
Lena Schön
The internationally famous influencer
Lena is world famous because she is a successful influencer. She is often immediately recognised on the street and her fans ask her for an autograph. Lena has fulfilled her dream!
But something is bothering Lena a lot. The more famous she becomes, the more pressure and stress her everyday life brings. And since this stress is getting bigger and bigger, Lena is sweating more and more.
On the internet, Lena came across the laulas® functional vest, which she would like to test today. Because these sweat stains should no longer be visible as soon as possible. Lena is successful with it. After a stressful day with many customer meetings, not a single sweat spot is visible. She is relieved because the laulas® functional vest gives her confidence for her everyday life again.
Sara Weiss
A highly recognised doctor
Sarah Weiss is considered the best doctor in the country in her field. That makes her very proud. But Sara is glad that she can wear a doctor's coat, because otherwise all her patients would see her sweat stains. Therefore, Sara hardly dares to take it off at work, not even in her office.
Today Sara goes to a birthday party with friends. She tries out her new laulas® functional vest, which was recommended to her by a friend with whom she talked about her sweat stain problem.
The functional vest helps, but small sweat stains are still visible. Sara complements the laulas® functional vest with the absorbent pads she ordered. And lo and behold, nothing is visible under her new silk blouse!
Jan Jung
Head over heels in love with Janina
Jan Jung is totally in love with Janina, who goes to school one class below him. But whenever he wants to talk to her, he starts sweating. He is losing more and more courage and his mother has already noticed this. That's why she gives him a laulas® functional vest in the hope that it will bring Jan back a bit of quality of life.
The very next day at school, Jan puts on the functional vest. As it has not let any sweat stains through all day, Jan finds the courage to talk to Janina the same afternoon. Janina is very happy that Jan has approached her, because she has also had her eye on him for a long time and only hoped that he would approach her soon.
Jan is overjoyed! Thanks to laulas® he concentrates on his strengths - and no longer on his sweat.
Real quality of life
already in over 30 countries
Thoma, Sara, Jana and Jan are incredibly relieved. They gain new confidence and become more relaxed in their private and professional lives. laulas® gives those affected by excessive underarm sweating a piece of real quality of life back.
For many years, laulas® has been helping thousands of people in over 30 countries around the world - without interfering with their bodies.
Do you also suffer from excessive underarm perspiration?
Does it also affect your everyday life?
Would you like to feel free again?
Try our laulas® functional vest with our 30-day money-back guarantee.