Sweating knowledge

My personal experience with excessive sweating

Some people sweat more, others less. And this is independent of age, gender or weight.

I've been sweating since I was 16 years old and I'm still sweating today at 60. laulas®, the vest that prevents your sweat stains - without interfering with your body - was developed from this in 2008. A vest with the option of inserting additional absorbent pads in the armpit area. Because for many sufferers, only a sewn-in membrane fabric is not enough for their sweat.

For those who, like me, sweat a lot, I have listed my knowledge and experience from my own experience and conversations with many customers about sweating on these pages. I am not a doctor, I cannot and do not want to replace one. However, I know from many personal conversations with other hyperhidrosis sufferers that a conversation is very helpful.  Please see these lines as a conversation between "sweaty people" - you and me.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Gerhard Goss


When does excessive sweating start?

For most of those affected, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) already begins during puberty. Many of our clients are parents who want to help their children prevent their underarm sweating. They fight for their children (yes, it is often like a battle), for whom sweat patches are naturally a big problem already at school. Whereas this time is already difficult enough for the youngsters.

BUT! Very often this extreme sweating stops again after puberty. However, you don't know beforehand who it will stop with.

There are also people who start sweating more later. For me it was a constant increase in the amount of sweat - with every professional development. Until I invented laulas® and talked openly about my underarm sweat - as I am doing now. This not only immediately prevented my sweat stains, but also significantly reduced my sweat quantity, but more about that later. 


Why do we sweat?

Here, medicine provides many answers and causes. Countless websites list the answers. On our "Hyperhidrosis" page, you will also find the most important causes that can lead to heavy sweating.

Medicine distinguishes between eccrine sweat glands, which produce sweat, and apocrine sweat glands. As scent glands, these then provide our respective "scent". There are big differences in scent, our sweat smell. Personally, I don't have an odour problem, despite my large amounts of sweat. However, I have met clients who have to change their clothes several times a day because their sweat smell is very strong and also very unpleasant.

Personally, I have tried many, many therapies and asked everyone from doctors to faith healers why I sweat and what I can do about it. I have described this on the page "my story"
There is a basic distinction between secondary hyperhidrosis (due to an underlying disease) and primary hyperhidrosis (your doctor can't find an underlying disease or disorder).

My very personal diagnosis for my sweating: Whenever I "think" I am overworked, my underarm sweat and also head sweat starts to flow. As a former sales manager with representative tasks and a specialist lecturer, I have experienced countless situations in which I had to experience embarrassing sweat attacks. And believe me: I was neither professionally nor rhetorically overwhelmed. But it happened anyway because my psyche controlled it that way.

Again and again I hear in conversations with clients, and it is no different with me, "after work my sweating stops". Our work and also special occasions like weddings increase our sweating enormously. My armpit sweat then flows in streams. And I didn't even need a difficult meeting to do that. I sweat even when I'm sitting alone in the office. Maybe it's always the subliminal fear of doing something wrong, of supposedly not being good enough, that causes my sweat stains. As I said, this is my personal sweat diagnosis - which is almost always answered with "it's the same with me".

We hyperhidrotics (that's what we are called in technical jargon) do not sweat because the sun is shining outside and it is hot. We sweat because "emotional" situations stimulate our sweat flow. It doesn't matter whether it's winter or summer. "I sweat even in the freezer" - is one of my statements. And that's not just a saying. In my younger years as a salesman, I led company tours that included 5 minutes in a -25 degree cold freezer. My sweat stains grew there, too.

My story